1. Do you have a rolling 12-month Cost Management Plan?
  2. Have you developed an ROI Profile for your cost line items?
  3. Are you reviewing your Cost Payee Contribution Rates?
  4. Do you have an organizational wide Cost – Benefit Decision Making template?
  5. Have you identified and quantified your “intangible” costs such as negative marketplace reputation, poor customer service, etc?
  6. Do you have a strategy to eliminate or minimize these intangible costs?
  7. Do you analyze and manage your Cost Variances at least monthly?


1. Do you have a Purchase / Procurement policy to ensure that only authorized appropriate expenditures are made

Question 1 of 8

2. Are you reviewing monthly Cost Variance Reports

Question 2 of 8

3. Do you have a rolling 12-month Cost Management Plan?

Question 3 of 8

4. "Have you identified and quantified your “intangible” costs such as negative marketplace reputation, poor customer service, etc?"

Question 4 of 8

5. Have you established a way to evaluate Opportunity Cost in your business decision making process

Question 5 of 8

6. Are you reviewing your Cost Payee Contribution Rates?

Question 6 of 8

7. Do you conduct cost audits at least 2X per year

Question 7 of 8

8. Do you have an organizational wide Cost – Benefit Decision Making template?

Question 8 of 8