I’d love to send you some info that can help your small business begin the hard work of recovery from the pandemic crisis.
We help you achieve the 3 Keys to Business Growth &Profits by providing 3 Premium Services:
Virtual CFO & Financial Planner, Strategic Planning and Leadership & Team Building …
Virtual CFO & Financial Planner
Wealth planning, Retirement Planning, Asset Protection & Business Succession
Strategic Planning
Leadership & Team Building
OUR PRICING PLANS ARE REALLY SIMPLE. The Starter Plan is where everybody starts. The monthly membership is $149/month which is $1,788 per year but if you pay in full now your annual membership is $997. The annual 1 time payment gives you a 44% discount of $791. Included in your Starter plan is 1 30 minute session each month with your Virtual CFO, your Virtual Strategic Plan Advisor, your Virtual Leadership & Teambuilding Coach and with your Business Legal Advisor.
Of course you get 1 Business Strategy Masterclass and 1 Business Rebound Webinar. You can access more hours with your Virtual Team on a pay as you go as needed basis at $300 per hour.
However if you realize that you will need more time each month from your Virtual Team of CPAs, Attorneys, Strategic Advisors you can upgrade to one of our bundled packages which locks in a preset number of hours for your Virtual Strategy Sessions. So for example, the Starter plan gives you 30 minutes with your Virtual CFO but the premium plan gives you 4 hours each and every month. When you upgrade your 1 time annual Starter Plan of $997 will be credited to your new plan.
This is a huge savings because with the bundled packages you get a 50% or more discount on the hourly rate of your Virtual Team. So for example if you were to schedule 1 hour with your Virtual CFO and your Virtual Strategic Advisor and your Leadership Coach the hourly rate will be $300 for each session. So that’s $900. And if you scheduled 4 hours with them WITHOUT the Premium Plan it would cost you $3600 (900X4). And that’s only the virtual CFO, Strategic Plan Advisor, and Leadership coach, not including the business attorney. With the 4-hour premium package your monthly membership is $2499. So just on these 3 Virtual Professionals you are already saving $1100.
Monthly Consulting & Coaching:
Monthly Consulting & Coaching:
Monthly Consulting & Coaching:
UPGRADE BENEFIT– If you realize that you will need more time each month from your Virtual Team of CPAs, Attorneys, Strategic Advisors you can upgrade to one of our bundled packages which locks in a preset number of hours for your Virtual Strategy Sessions. So for example, the Starter plan gives you 30 minutes with your Virtual CFO but the premium plan gives you 4 hours each and every month. When you upgrade your 1 time annual Starter Plan of $997will be credited to your new plan.
This is a huge savings because with the bundled packages you get a 50% or more discount on the hourly rate of your Virtual Team. So for example if you were to schedule 1 hour with your Virtual CFO and your Virtual Strategic Advisor and your Leadership Coach the hourly rate will be $300 for each session. So that’s $900. And if you scheduled 4 hours with them WITHOUT the Premium Plan it would cost you $3600 (900X4). And that’s only the virtual CFO, Strategic Plan Advisor, and Leadership coach, not including the business attorney or Personal Financial Plan consultations. With the 4-hour premium package your monthly membership is $2499. So just on these 3 Virtual Professionals you are already saving $1100.
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W Vernon Murray CPA DBA PhD
Rosemarie Wilson